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ChatGPT Prompts for Quiz Writing

A guide to ChatGPT Prompts for quiz writing

ChatGPT Prompts for Quiz Writing

Creating the perfect quiz is not an easy task. Educators have to work through numerous brainstorming sessions, diligent planning, and endless revisions to write the perfect draft. 

However, as technology continues to march forward, so does our ability to streamline these processes. Thanks to innovative tools like ChatGPT, the era of sweating over quiz-making is over. 

Suddenly, what once felt like scaling Mount Everest became as simple as a leisurely stroll through the park. You can now lean on ChatGPT to create engaging quizzes at the drop of a hat. If you’re unsure how, read on. 

6 Steps for Quiz Writing with ChatGPT Prompts 

Traditional quiz-building methods demand copious amounts of time and effort. However, AI tools like ChatGPT have made things a breeze by allowing you to generate quizzes in a fraction of the time. The only thing you need to nail down is your prompt, and we’ll cover that in the section below.

Step 1: Generate Quiz Title

Say you want to create a quiz on the topic: “Classic Literature.” You can simply ask ChatGPT to generate some catchy titles for your quiz. For instance, consider giving it a prompt like,

“Hey, ChatGPT, can you help me come up with an intriguing title for a quiz about classic Literature?” 

In no time, the tool gets to work to generate a relevant title. In case the first round of suggestions doesn’t quite hit the mark, the AI tool is always ready to offer more suggestions until you find the perfect fit. 

Simply write, “Can you please suggest 3 more titles?” and it will generate more answers for you to choose your ideal quiz title. 

Step 2: Quiz Description

Writing a description is your chance to entice quiz-takers by giving them a sneak peek into the quiz. Make sure you write one that not only stirs curiosity but also hints at the literary treasures lying within. 

Here’s an example prompt, 

“Can you please write a captivating description for my classic literature quiz?” 

Write it, hit enter, and let its vast knowledge write a description per your preferences. 

In case the description doesn’t fit your teaching style, you can always give it more prompts. For instance, you might need to change the tone of your description. Consider giving it another prompt concerning the tone, and it will generate a new answer. 

Step 3: Generate Advantages of Participating in Your Quiz

You need to show your participants that your quiz is fun, rewarding, and worthwhile. With ChatGPT by your side, you can easily outline the advantages of participating in your quiz. Start by prompting it with something like, 

“Could you assist me in outlining the benefits of participating in my quiz? I aim to emphasize the practical skills gained from analyzing timeless works, and how it enhances critical thinking and cultural awareness.”

The tool will take this little nugget of an idea and craft compelling and on-point benefits. This eliminates the hassle of pre-set templates and formats. This means you can get as creative as you want with your prompts. 

Step 4: Create Quiz Questions

Whether you want to create a quiz on works of Shakespeare, Bronte, Dickens, or anything outside Literature, ChatGPT has a knack for crafting questions that capture the essence of the subject at hand. 

In fact, the ideas it offers might make it challenging for you to choose the precise quiz format. Here are two prompt suggestions for popular quiz types.

Simple Questions

If you intend to create simple questions, prompt it with something like this:

“Create a quiz on classic literature. Make sure you cover various works by different authors. Generate 10 questions with varied difficulty levels. Include questions about characters, plot points, themes, and memorable quotations. Ensure the questions are straightforward and suitable for a general audience.” 

Multiple Choice Questions

Consider using a different prompt to generate multiple-choice questions. Here’s an example: 

 “I want you to create a quiz on classic literature focusing on the works of William Shakespeare. Generate 10 multiple-choice questions with four options each. Ensure the questions cover a range of Shakespeare’s plays and include aspects like characters, plot, themes, and literary devices.” 

Step 5: Develop Results 

Grading quizzes and sharing comments is often an endless cycle of papers and red pens for educators. However, GPT simplifies things by letting you tailor results for each student. You can create customized feedback for your students in a matter of minutes. Here are some examples

  • Low Score (Needs Improvement) 

“Write a message for a student who scored low on a quiz about classic literature. The message should be encouraging and offer specific resources to help them improve.”

  • Average Score (Keep Up the Good Work)

“Generate a message for a student who received an average score on a quiz about classic literature. The message should acknowledge their understanding and suggest ways to deepen their knowledge.”

  • High Score (Excellent Work)

“Write a congratulatory message for a student who aced the quiz. The message should encourage them to share their study tips with the class.”

Step 6: Create an Email About Quiz Results

Writing individual emails for each quiz result isn’t exactly the most thrilling part of being an educator. But GPT lets you create personalized email templates based on student performance. 

That’s right. The generic “good job” and “needs improvement” messages no longer encourage learners. You need to add more depth to your emails. Here are some prompt examples. 

  • Low Score (Targeted Support)

“Write a supportive email for a student who scored low on their quiz. The message should identify areas for improvement and suggest a meeting to discuss the material further.”

  • Average Score (Encouragement and Next Steps) 

“Write an encouraging email for a student who scored average on the classic literature quiz. The message should acknowledge their understanding and suggest ways to solidify their knowledge.”

  • High Score (Celebrating Success and Extending Challenges) 

“Write an email celebrating the achievement of the student who scored high. Offer them the opportunity to explore more advanced topics within the same subject.” 

Create Promotional Posts About the Quiz  

Ever created an amazing quiz, only to have crickets chirping in response? If yes, you lack a promotional strategy. Besides, promoting quizzes isn’t just about getting the word out but engaging your audience and sparking their curiosity before you even launch your quiz. 

Yes, managing promotional posts for each social media handle can be a headache. However, GPT can lend a helping hand in this regard, too. 

Here are some general prompt suggestions for different social media platforms. 


  • Target Audience: Professionals in my industry.
  • Goal: Generate a professional and informative post promoting my quiz on [topic]. Highlight the benefits of taking the quiz, such as learning new industry trends or assessing their current knowledge. 


  • Target Audience: My broader social media following.
  • Goal: Create a fun and engaging post promoting my quiz on [topic]. Use a question or a challenge to pique their interest and encourage them to participate.


  • Target Audience: A fast-paced, engaged audience.
  • Goal: Craft a concise and attention-grabbing tweet promoting my quiz on [topic]. Use relevant hashtags and a call to action to encourage participation.

6 Tips to Keep In Mind When Generating a Quiz Using ChatGPT

While GPT does a fairly good job creating a quiz, you need to follow some strategy to ensure you get precisely what you want out of your prompts. Here are a few pointers to maximize your success in generating quizzes using AI. 

  1. Be as specific as possible. AI tools for content creation thrive on specificity. Put simply, the more detailed and clear your prompts, the better response you’ll get. For instance, instead of posing broad questions like, “Can you create me a quiz about history?” try something more specific, like, “Can you create a quiz about the causes of Word War II?” 
  2. Provide context. Providing context helps generate more accurate and relevant responses. For instance, briefly explain who or what it is to help guide the AI’s understanding if you're asking about a specific person or topic. Maybe you can mention your ideal audience or provide context about your quiz objectives. 
  3. Use examples and scenarios. Sometimes, providing examples can lead to more creative and interesting responses. For instance, instead of writing, “Please create a quiz on artificial intelligence,” try “Imagine you want to explain artificial intelligence to a curious child. How would you create a quiz on it?”
  4. Experiment with different prompts. GPT responds well to different prompt styles. So, don’t be afraid to experiment with various formats, including fill-in-the-blanks and even storytelling prompts, to see what works best for your quiz. 
  5. Avoid leading questions. When generating a quiz, avoid leading questions. This can unintentionally diverge the AI in a certain direction. As such, it will affect the quality of your answers. You can always open a new ChatGPT window to ask more questions. 
  6. Provide feedback. Don't hesitate to provide feedback if you’re unsatisfied with the initial response. The AI tool learns from interactions. So, the more feedback you give, the better it understands and improves its responses. 


Specificity, context, and feedback are the key strategies to remember when creating quizzes with ChatGPT. Nail these, and the tool will handle the rest. Hopefully, our ChatGPT prompts for quiz writing will give you enough context to let inspiration flow effortlessly. Alternatively, you can use an AI quiz generator instead of ChatGPT such as the Coursebox AI quiz generator.

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