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How learning online helps students

If you are reading this post you are probably toying with the idea of signing up for an online course but perhaps you don’t have enough...

How learning online helps students

If you are reading this post you are probably toying with the idea of signing up for an online course but perhaps you don’t have enough experience if studying online is the right thing for you.

The question that you should do to yourself in these kinds of decision is: “Should I take my next course online or shall I stick with my face-to-face classes?”  The traditional way of learning face-to-face classes sometimes is a boring way to learn or even stressful. However, taking an online course, as opposed to a face-to-face class definitely has its perks.

The five most common advantages of studying online.

1. Being able to advance your specified course but also having fun with your hobbies.  

Being flexible in study hours is definitely a very good advantage. You can always work and fit your learning schedule (and your hobbies) around your course more easily; even more if you are taking an asynchronous class: an online class where you don’t have log in at a specific time for a live session but yet you can study and interact with your teacher/instructor and your classmates at your own pace and at anytime.

2. Choose your own preferred learning environment.  

Choosing your own learning environment that works best for your need is definitely one of the best advantages of learning online. You can be in your bedroom, in your preferred cafe, or even at your local gym and be able to still listen to your instructor lecture and never miss anything. Taking an online course also means that you don’t have to commute to class, which means less time spent on the bus and more study time sitting on your couch, the sound of a crackling fireplace in the background. You no longer have to worry about driving in the snowstorm and missing an important class!

3. Lower your expenses  

Studying online means that you pay the tuition fee, possibly book supplies, an online application fee, and a few other items. However, the advantage is that you do not have to pay for an apartment to stay the whole time which can save you $10,000 $12,000 per year, adding to that the transportation and other additional needs.

4. Self-discipline and responsibility

Your online course will not only teach you basic things but it will also help you to become more self-motivated, a trait that will make you stand out in the workplace and beyond. Who says that having to be more self-disciplined is a disadvantage? It is true that studying online requires more self-motivation and time-management skills, because you will spend a lot of time on your own without someone physically close to keep you focused on deadlines. It will look great on your résumé.

5. Ability to choose what you want to learn  

Let’s face it when thinking about what to study, besides for interest and career opportunities, where  to study is also a deciding factor. This may limit the choice of subjects or courses to take. Learning online at your own convenience allows you to no longer worry about class location when choosing what to learn next. By taking an online course, you can really focus on the subject you are interested in and choose from the variety of online courses and programs.

I only listed five benefits to learning online but, having been an online student myself, I know there are many more. Can you think of other advantages or reasons why you prefer to take your next course online?

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